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Month September 2016

Ant-ique vs More-dern

Dear reader, yesterday I was having an interesting conversation with two fine ladies. I was arguing that we, as human civilisation, are getting richer with every passing year. On the contrary, they opposed that we are poorer in some respects and… Continue Reading →

Argue, Augment, Argument

Dear reader, there are probably endless ways to start an argument and an equal number of ways it could end. An argument is never a good thing. You can’t win an argument. You can’t because if you lose it, you… Continue Reading →

Email flow: an under-the-lenses analysis – Part Two

Hello dear reader, this is the second post in a series dealing with the fundamental questions about processing your emails. The first post (available at this address) tried to answer the Why, What and Where questions. Now is the turn of When,… Continue Reading →

Email flow: an under-the-lenses analysis – Part One

Hello, fellow reader! In this series of posts I’ll begin to answer (at least, I’ll try) the fundamental questions about processing the emails in your inbox, which is, in my opinion, one of the most important aspects of personal productivity in… Continue Reading →

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