Dear reader, a couple of days ago I got into what seemed like a regular business meeting: two of my colleagues needed more info about a web application, in use inside the company, which was undergoing a re-engineering. To put the question… Continue Reading →
Dear reader, I’m pretty sure that this scene is not unfamiliar to you: someone is speaking too loud or making an annoying noise in a situation/place where it is unacceptable. Let’s say a child is laughing for something she has… Continue Reading →
Dear reader, too often people talk to me starting a sentence with “You know, they said/want/need…”. And then I abruptly stop them with a simple question: “They who?“. After this, I don’t allow any further conversation until I get an answer… Continue Reading →
Dear reader, a couple of weeks ago I was having a discussion about how to translate the verb “to embrace technology” in Italian. It turns out that there is no single word to express the concept, neither there is a… Continue Reading →
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