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I Do Not Know

Dear Reader, There is a great deal of maturity and wisdom involved in the simple affirmation “I do not know”. You expose your weakness, you show your honesty even when it’s against your best interests, you do not put yourself… Continue Reading →

Dear Reader, Speaking of phobias, and of the ever-growing power of humankind, I have to make coming out about one of my fears: I’m homophobic. I fear what homo sapiens can do, destroy or hate. But I’m also hopeful, and… Continue Reading →

The Slow Incident

Dear Reader, Imagine for a moment the effects of a car crash. In an instant, you go from perfect health to broken wrist against the steering wheel, aching shoulder due to belt tension, a forehead concussion, and the objects in… Continue Reading →

Scraping the Bottom of the Barrel

Dear Reader, How often do you hear: “When I’ll reach the bottom, I’ll can start to climb back”? Problem is, there is not always a bottom, you could go on forever searching for one. Or there is a bottom, but… Continue Reading →

Exceptional People

Dear Reader, When we are referring to products and services, the adjective “exceptional” can often be used with a well-defined meaning. Speaking about people, it is much more difficult to assign the qualifier. (In the following sentences I’ll use the… Continue Reading →

Meditation on Help

Dear Reader, I’ve resolved to try to help every person I come across to be better. No scorn for imperfections, no punishment for errors, no bad blood after a quarrel: just encouragement, coaching, advice, understanding, some dedication on my part…. Continue Reading →

It’s Trivially Complicated

Dear Reader, to make something seems trivial and banal, and putting a joke at the end of the sentence can be a way to appear more intelligent than what we are. Even trying to look ever deep inside every matter,… Continue Reading →

I Belew I can Fly

Dear Reader,there is a video on YouTube that I hope they will never put down.Before watching it, you need to understand who Adrian Belew is.A good place to start is, as usual, its Wikipedia page, that you can read here…. Continue Reading →

LiterARTure and YouTube

Dear Reader, Yesterday I read The Catcher in the Rye, by J. D. Salinger. I think that the novel does not need any introduction, but I’ll leave here the Wikipedia reference anyway.I’m not going to write about the merits of… Continue Reading →

Two is More Than One

Dear Reader, along the lines of my last post, I felt the urge to write a few lines in song/short poem form. I offer them to you, for what they are worth. I sincerely hope you enjoy them. Two of… Continue Reading →

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