The Emission Impossible

Project your work and creativity in the world outside!

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Experimental Foolishness

Dear Reader, it is often said: Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. NOT by Albert Einstein This is one of the most misattributed quotes you can find on the internet. I have… Continue Reading →

Far Beyond the Sun

Dear Reader, Tonight, I was reading and talking about astronomy with my son. He was asking about distances in the Solar System, the current whereabouts of the two Voyager vessels, and the likes. Then, a funny thought happened to me,… Continue Reading →

Painting Engineering with Watercolours

Dear Reader, there is a famous quote in the music business that goes like: Writing About Music is Like Dancing About Architecture Unattributed(common belief attributes it to frank Zappa, but it is not true) Probably it was meant as a… Continue Reading →

A Broken Metaphor

Dear Reader, If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it, so it’s been often said. Well, besides being, almost by definition, impossible to repair an undamaged item, the advice sounds solid. Don’t change what works. In the best of cases, you… Continue Reading →

(Un)(Happy) Endings (?)

Dear Reader, Pretty much all things have an end. We knew the fact since we were young. Birthday parties end. The cake ends. The game ends. Someone, I can’t remember who it was, said that life is like a children’s… Continue Reading →

24/03/2020 Morning Poetry

Fifteen years agoI led a different life Man does not yet knowHe can always invent the FutureBecause itDoes not yet exist

Dropping Balls

Dear Reader, My work often revolves around managing multiple projects simultaneously, like a juggler with many balls in the air. I’m no miracle worker, and sometimes I can’t even remember how many balls I’m juggling. My hands can push a… Continue Reading →

Building a fortress against distractions, Brick by Brick

Dear Reader, I’ve already described a simple strategy to avoid distractions on the phone while maintaining the possibility of being reached by a controlled list of people. You can find details in my post The Nineties’ Way. I’m happy to… Continue Reading →

Trekking Through Life

Dear Reader, I can’t define myself a real Trekker (i.e. a devote fan of Star Trek), because I have not seen all episodes in The Original Series (TOS, for aficionados). On the other hand, I watched all the movies multiple… Continue Reading →


Dear Reader, The title of this post is a portmanteau of the words Anthropos and Entropy. Entropy is a concept born inside the realm of physics, thermodynamics in particular. It is the principle according to which every closed system tends… Continue Reading →

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