Dear Reader, as you may know, I’ve always been passionate about Mathematics, and that’s part of the reasons why I became a theoretical physicist. In this short post, I try to illustrate everything I learned about Mathematics, and how I apply… Continue Reading →
Dear Reader, I’ve noticed a pattern when I experience what is commonly called “a bad day”. When it happens, I feel justified to gratify myself in the evening and to indulge in bad habits (e.g. eating trash food, staying up too… Continue Reading →
Dear Reader, in the last centuries, particularly in the last one, academia and job markets veered more and more toward specialisation. However, more and more disciplines are calling for a multidisciplinary approach: robotics, artificial intelligence, managing epidemics and political crisis,… Continue Reading →
Dear Reader, yesterday I got a check at work for results achieved during the year. The sense of risk inside me lit up like wildfire! No, it was not the kind of threat regarding what my bosses could ask me… Continue Reading →
Dear Reader, I’m pretty sure that you would like to be the best among your group. The most helpful coach for your trainees. A much-followed leader, a respected mentor. When and where can you start practising these qualities? My educated… Continue Reading →
Dear Reader, take fifteen minutes to watch this video: It struck some deep strings inside of me. Until next time, be curious!
Dear Reader, I like to find insights into the little events of life because the reasoning behind our actions is often a tell-tale of our mental schemes and biases. I was cooking myself an avocado and the recipe (something very… Continue Reading →
Dear Reader, “They made me angry” is the excuse we give ourselves to act improperly. Don’t make up excuses, act responsibly.
Dear Reader, in my mother-tongue, Italian, self-criticism is written “autocritica”. In some occasions, I need to remember that “auto” stands for “self”, not “automatic”. Too much bad talking to yourself is not productive! Until next time, Happy Easter!
Dear Reader, time is my currency. How I spend it is the exchange rate. Invest wisely.
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