Dear Reader,

Pretty much all things have an end.

We knew the fact since we were young.

Birthday parties end. The cake ends. The game ends.

Someone, I can’t remember who it was, said that life is like a children’s party: you never know when dad’s coming to take you home.

While it may seem like I may be talking about death, that’s not what I want to do. Or, at least, death’s not all I want to talk about in this post my aim is more to perform a self-reflection about some aspect of my life, in the hope that someone else will also benefit from it.

So, everything ends, that’s no news. Circumstances are what changes.

Some endings are planned, predictable, constructed by design.
Some are abrupt, unforeseen, on the far side of unpredictability.
Some endings you knew were coming, but you tried to wish them away anyway.
Some endings are a blessing.
Some are long overdue; they should have come much before. Better, there should have been no need for an ending at all; the matter should never have begun in the first place.
Some things ended well before you knew consciously, but you unconsciously knew they were ended and you never dared to admit it.
Some things are clearly ended for you, but you need to wait for others to realise it to call it done. Sometimes the vice-versa applies.
Some people make things end, but they say they are not making anything end at all.
Some things end. Then they start again. Then they end again. Then a restart. And then… oh well, who knows!
Some endings are sad. Some are sadder. Some are heart-shattering. Some are melancholic and have a bittersweet taste.
Some are just unspoken.
Sometimes you should have ended it. You know, but you don’t do it yet, but you know, but you don’t. But you hope you will not need to, and hope maybe does not have an end after all.

I’m positive I’ve experienced all of the above, and will probably pass through new types in the future. I still don’t know what do to with the categorisation, but it was nevertheless instructive to go over the memory lane to retrieve the nuggets.

Blogposts end too, so it’s time for me to wrap up. As a side note I’m also thinking about ending the blog itself, but… I don’t know yet.

Until next time, I wish you well.